Are you dealing with unwanted animals destroying your property and causing you stress? Then investing in the right fence to protect your yard is exactly what you need! The chain link fence has remained one of the top fence choices for property owners since its invention over a century ago due to its durability, affordability, and low maintenance. Here is a list of animals that you can keep out of your yard and garden with a quality chain link fence!
Imagine you just got through planting your beautiful spring garden, just for some deer to show up and eat it all up as soon as it begins to blossom. The proper chain link fence can help to keep deer out of your garden and yard, while still leaving your hard work visible for all neighbors and passerby to admire. Leaving you protection to plant at ease without having to be boxed in unable to see your surroundings. Be sure to make your fence tall enough though that a deer can’t jump over. 5-6 foot is the general recommended height for deterring deer from garden enclosures up to 100-150 feet tall, though it varies depending on your surrounding area. I’d recommend doing a quick amount of research on recommended height based off of your area just to be safe.
There are many dogs these days roaming the streets. Whether they are stray or just allowed to run loose by their owner, no one wants to take a chance of their children or pets being attacked by one of these roaming hounds. Of course, most of these animals are harmless. But that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes a rabid or aggressive one may wander its way into your yard while your kids or pets are playing outside. For an affordable cost, you can gift yourself ease of mind while your little loved ones get their necessary amount of sunlight by investing in a chain link fence. One of the proper height that is buried at least a foot deep into the ground can really assist in keeping these animals out, while keeping your animals and children in to enjoy their much needed sunlight safely.
Possums and Raccoons
No one wants to walk outside and see a possum or raccoon staring them down. One, because that likely means your trash will be scattered and your garden destroyed, but also due to how often these creatures carry rabies! Meaning it can be a danger to try and shoo them off. Though nothing can fully prevent these critters from entering your yard, the proper chain link fence can really help to discourage them from picking yours over those whose yards are fully open and visible. If you are going to choose a chain link fence to help prevent these animals from rummaging through your things, be sure to have it dug at least a foot deep below the ground to ensure they can’t burrow beneath the fence to enter.
Hopefully if you are dealing with any of these animals disrupting your peace, this list has offered you some helpful insight on how a chain link fence could be your savior. A quality fence can offer you many benefits including protection and security. So if you’re looking for a cost-efficient barrier to place between your yard and wild pests to protect your hard work and precious belongings that’s quick and easy to install, then a chain link fence would be the perfect investment for your home or garden.