We know it’s hard to get out there on a summer Saturday to make sure your lawn is trim and looking the best it can. But sometimes that’s what has to be done. And we’ve got the best tips to keep your yard as lush and green as possible.
Let’s look at the main chores when it comes to yard work. You know, the ones you know need to be done but just can’t seem to make yourself do?
When you mow your lawn, be sure to mow in a different direction each time. Don’t follow the same pattern. I was always told this was because you had to sneak up on the grass and as sound as that logic is, it’s actually because you want to avoid creating ruts.
When you leave the lawn clippings in the grass (a healthy practice), the clipped grass acts as a fertilizer. If the fertilizer is deposited in the same spot every time (and the tires drive over the same spots each time), you’ll end up with an uneven lawn.
Watering your lawn is also an important step. The general rule is that your yard needs about an inch of water each week. Depending on where you live, this can be achieved just from the rain, but in most cases, you’ll need an irrigation system or at least carving out a little time every once in a while to water the grass yourself.
Weed Control
For grass close to structures like your house or fence, use a weed eater. Pull weeds and spot treat so that in the future, you won’t have to worry about making sure your yard is weed free. If the entire yard is looking a little weedy, you can spray all over to knock out those obnoxious sprigs.
For a little extra sprucing, spread some wildflower seeds around for your very own little garden with very little preparation. Most nurseries sell packets of those seeds and more with the basic instructions necessary for caring and growing them.
If you have any sort of yard maintenance routine, these are probably on your list. As the title suggests, these are very basic tips but great for someone who just recently acquired a yard or just now looking into keeping it maintained.
For even more backyard sprucing, consider installing a fence. Call today for a free quote.