Before you start a DIY fence installation, it’s helpful to have a guide that will ease the installation process. The first thing you need to do is to check your local building codes before you install your selected fence. Most areas allow homeowners to build fences up to 2 meters high without seeking permission but it is advisable to check first. It is also important to check that your fence does not extend over your property line. In addition, while installing a fence can be done any time around the year, it is advisable to avoid carrying out installations during hot, cold or wet weather.
Why do you need a fence?
Before you start the installation or select a fence, you need to determine whether you are installing a fence for security, privacy, safety or to increase the aesthetic appeal of your property.
Preparation and planning is an important step in fence installation in order to deal with any problems that may arise. In this step, you need to design a layout to include gates and any obstacles that may exist in the layout of the fence. Once you have designed the layout, take measurements of where the fence will run from including corners. You should also select a fence style that you desire and look up building codes to know about any fencing restrictions that may exist. After the planning process, you can request a quote on materials you will need and on professional fee. By carefully planning the layout of your fence, you will eliminate wastage when ordering building materials. In addition, if you plan to use gravel, it is important to factor this aspect into the planning process in order to ascertain what length of fence post you will need.
It is advisable you follow the instructions that come with your fences. Many instructions require DIY individuals to work on one post at a time or one section at a time. Before you start digging for a fence post, it is important to ensure that there are no utilities such as gas pipelines below the ground. If the location where you plan to install the fence has any underground utilities, utility companies send a representative to mark the specific site of the utilities. You can use the detector to locate any cables in order to better plan the layout and position of your fence.
If you plan to use postcrete, it is important you use 8ft posts for the 6ft fence. If you plan to use post-spikes then 6ft posts are required.
When installing small fences, you can dig fence holes by use of shovel that is available at hardware stores. Large fence installation requires powered tools that can be rented from home improvement centers. However, if the power tools you are using need to be operated by more than one person then it is important you do not do so alone. It can result in serious injuries.
A good fence installation requires proper installation. Contact us by phone [1-800-221-6425] or head over to our site for a free quote on a fence. At Central Fence we do our very best to fit you with the very best fence.