When it comes to solving problems with fences, Central Fence has years of experience doing it. We’ve found that one of the most difficult undertakings for our customers is to identify those problems and realize that a fence can solve them. So, we’ve put together a list of three backyard problems a fence will no doubt help you with. If you’re struggling with one of these, give us a call.
Dangerous or annoying wildlife in your yard
Keeping critters off your property can be a pain, and it almost always involves some sort of drastic deterrent plan. Luckily, a well placed and maintained fence can keep most of the more harmful animals from ever setting foot on your lawn’s space.
Smaller animals are particularly different to keep out, but a solid and opaque vinyl fence is perfect for filling in “squeeze-through” spots and keeping things like rabbits and moles out of your garden.
We would strongly recommend a vinyl fence for this purpose, but if you’re just having issues with large animals, a simple chain link or wooden fence should suffice.
Close proximity to highways and roads
Those “children at play” signs are there for a reason. If your house is close to the road, children and animals can easily wander out into it and get hurt. They often tend to be quite noisy as well, which is never good for when you’re trying to sleep at night.
A carefully planned and installed fence can lessen both the threat and the noise from a nearby highway. We wouldn’t recommend putting a fence TOO near a road, but one that has been adequately spaced back is a great boon to your tranquility and your safety.
Vinyl fences are particularly good at keeping noise out and children and animals in. Since they are generally well-built solid fences, not much can get through them. We’d recommend them for a home that’s a little too close to the freeway.
Clearly defining property lines
Land disputes are common in both the city and the country, and often land boundaries are only marked with simple flags or poles. An established backyard fence (correctly placed) will help your neighbors and your family know exactly what part of a greater tract of land is legally yours.
These types of fences don’t have to be anything too specialized. Chain link or wood will do just fine – but if you’re looking for a more clear and defined boundary, consider ornamental or vinyl. They can be somewhat taller and are almost always more commanding.