It is finally summer! The sun is shining, the rain is beginning to arrive, and it is the perfect time of the year to get back outside and tend to your garden. If it has been sitting dormant for a few months, you’ll need a few tips to get your flowers blooming and your bushes green again.
Watch out for heatstroke
Your plants sure love the sun, but your body may not. With everything your garden needs to get back into shape, it can easily be a few hours before you realize how long you have been outside and how tired you feel. Avoid this by wearing protection, like a hat and sunscreen, and drinking plenty of water. Try to avoid being in your garden at the hottest time of the day and stick to early morning pruning, if possible.
Be picky about what you plant
Don’t give yourself more work than you need to. Edible plants that come back year after year (also known as “perennials”) saves planting time, and maintenance is usually limited to annual weeding, fertilizing and mulching. These can include asparagus, onions, artichokes, and more.
Make sure your plants are watered enough
When it’s hot outside, you get thirsty- and so do your plants. If you only have time to garden on Saturday mornings, your plants will suffer. They need more water than just one drink a week, so you’ll need to make plans for them to get it. This can be a sprinkler system, a quick hose spray, or even asking for help.
Keep pests out
When you have delicious vegetables coming in, you aren’t the only one who will want to eat them. Pests like raccoons, deer, and squirrels will begin to come around for a nibble if you don’t stop them. You can’t be there all of the time, of course. Fortunately, it is easy to put a barrier between them and your plants with a simple garden fence.
Central Fence has been helping Southern Georgia homeowners make the most out of their summer for decades. We can put up a chain link fence around your entire backyard, an ornamental fence around your garden, and a whole lot more. We even do dog kennels so your furry friend can enjoy his summer time in the shade as well! Contact us today to get started.