All kinds of commercial buildings are magnets for vandalism, thefts and burglaries. There seems to be the thought that while a major shopping center or business complex will have a large security task force, a smaller business or warehouse out of the main city will be easier to successfully steal from. So don’t assume being a small business means no one wants to target you.
Whatever your business’s size or location, do not allow these criminals to achieve their goal. Instead, follow these easy five tips to keep your building secure:
#1 Conduct Employee Background Checks
Not all of those who want to steal from your business are strangers. In fact, it’s much easier to pocket money from the cash register than it is to break in at night. An employee will know exactly where your security is lacking and be able to take advantage of it, if they wish to do so. That’s why you need to ensure you don’t hire anyone with these nefarious plans. Run a complete criminal background check on new hires and avoid bringing in anyone with a sketchy past that you don’t trust to be around your money and inventory.
#2 Keep Track of Spare Keys
Did you know that a full one-third of all “break-ins” actually aren’t people breaking in at all? These thefts occur from people who have keys to the building. For this reason, it is crucial not to have too many keys to the premise floating around. Don’t allow your staff to lend out their keys to night cleaning crews or handymen, insist that an employee with a complete background check be present whenever anyone is on premises.
#3 Lighting with Motion Detectors
Most break-ins occur at night, so a few strategically-placed motion sensors will shine a bright light on potential thieves and deter their plans. Often, entry points such as doors and windows are the best places for these. If a thief sets off your lights in his late-night prowl around your building, he is most likely to run off.
#4 Video Surveillance Cameras
Sometimes, the physical presence of staff or even a security guard is not enough to stop a crime or catch the culprit afterwards. However, a security camera will make them stop right in their tracks. A thief or other criminal will know that even if they get away, their crime will be caught on camera and given to the police. Very few petty criminals will take this chance.
#5 Commercial-Grade Chain Link Fence
Sometimes the simplest answer is the most effective. In order to stop people from vandalizing or stealing from your property, put up a fence! All fences are not the same though, even all chain link fences. The chain-link used for a commercial fence has four elements: fabric, framework, fittings and gates. How you combine these four elements makes all the difference in protecting your property. Each of these components are available in a range of weights (also known as gauges) and types of protective coatings. Every gate should close completely and be nearly impossible to force open. Heavy-duty weights will hold up to more forceful attempts at entry and weather.
To know what components your business needs, it’s time to bring in the experts. Central Fence has been supplying commercial-grade fences to small businesses, warehouses, and other properties in Georgia for many years. Your building’s integrity is our top priority!
Call us today to set up a consultation and take the first step in keeping your business safe from intruders.