The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and you’re dying to get your garden in shape for spring. Bright flowers, peaceful landscapes, and a beautiful backyard awaits you with just a little bit of yard work.
Here are five tips to get your yard and garden looking great for the spring.
1. Start with a Plan
Take inventory of your landscape to see where you need to make changes. Is there an overgrown bush? A decrepit tree? An unruly patch of weeds?
Walk around and see what needs moving, what needs replacing, and what needs pruning or thinning. Begin to think about what you’d like to add to your landscape this year.
Plan out exactly what you want to do with your yard so you can get started on making your backyard a spring landscape.
2. Dig Into Spring Cleaning
The inside isn’t the only part of your home that can benefit from a good cleaning: winter can wreak havoc on plants, and many will need to be pruned or cleared away entirely. You’ll need to clean up any leftover leaves, old mulch, and dead annuals. These items make great additions to your compost pile, too.
Many of your bulbs and perennials may have gotten too big. Dig them up and split up the bulbs or roots into multiple plantings. This is a cost effective way to get more out of your plants or to share them with family and neighbors.
3. Feed Freely
Your grass will likely benefit from a good coating of spring fertilizer to give it the nutrition it needs to thrive after the winter’s freezing temperatures. To help the fertilizer penetrate during the spring rains, make sure to detach and aerate where needed.
Your garden plants will also enjoy a nice feeding this spring. A well-rounded fertilizer application that provides a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium will help your flowers bloom and your foliage thrive.
4. Discourage Pests
If you’ve got fruit trees or roses, you might want to spray them with a dormant oil to prevent pest eggs from hatching. Also plan for any fencing upgrades or netting you’ll need to prevent deer, rabbits, and bugs from getting into your plants.
5. Add New Plantings
Now that you’ve gotten all of the cleanup and maintenance taken care of, it’s time for the fun stuff. Plant summer bulbs and perennials, and get that vegetable garden going. Make sure to add some compost into the holes for your new plants so they start out strong with good root growth in your soil.
Mulch around your new and old plantings to keep the soil moist and discourage weeds. Then it’s time to sit back, relax, and watch your garden grow!
If you need a fence to surround your beautiful garden, don’t hesitate to call on us to help you out. We’ve got a wide variety of fences that can protect your spring garden throughout its lifetime.