Fences are a great way to keep children entertained in a healthy manner. Experts say children spend too much time glued to their screens and not enough time exercising or socializing with their friends and family in person. Keeping the edge of your property enclosed is a great way to encourage physical activity while dissuading the threat of them straying too close to the road. Stranger danger is also significantly reduced. The last thing you’d want is someone potentially dangerous being able to just walk across the yard and talk to your children. A fence is a great way to foster the athletic spirit many children are known for, and to keep that enthusiasm for physical activity going, well into their teenage years. The more they play in the yard, the better.
For children on a sports team, play becomes practice, and it’s more important than ever that they have a way to hone their skills in a safe and convenient way. If they don’t get the proper exercise in, they’ll quickly fall out of shape or out of touch with the skills that earned them a place on their team. Parks run the risk of being too full, closed, or inaccessible without a reliable form of transportation. For many children, especially under the proper age to own a license, their backyard is the only place they have to hone their athletic abilities. So which fence is best for athletic kids to be able to practice sports safely?
Chain link fences are a fantastic, durable, and budget-friendly way to help your child keep their skills at the competitive level. Chain link fences are also highly customizable, too! Due to the flexible, yet firm nature of these fences, even a strong impact from a ball or accidental body tackle won’t do more than push the fence outward for a few seconds before it springs back in place. Chain link is employed in parks everywhere for such valuable properties.
If you wanted to get creative (especially for families who own a pet already), a dog kennel can easily be modified to make a batting cage. The tall walls of a dog kennel, in addition to their ability to be fully enclosed, even for the ceiling, allows for them to be a convenient way to not get some practice pitching or batting balls safely. Dog kennels allow broken windows and neighborly complaints to be a thing in the past while giving your family another way to keep your dogs safe while it’s not being used as a batting cage.