You have a beautiful fence surrounding your property but your pet just can’t stand it. Whether you’ve installed your fence specifically to keep your furry friend in or you simply have one for aesthetic appeal, your pup just has to try to dig holes under it. If you’re looking for a few ways to keep your pooch from destroying a fence line and escaping, we’ve got some tips to help.
One sure fire way of stopping dogs from digging under your fence is to prevent them from getting to the fence line. Plant bushes or shrubs around the base of the fence to keep your dog from finding an appealing place to dig. If you don’t want something so big covering part of your fence, try placing stones or stones at the bottom of your fence to keep them from digging.
If you’re just now getting into installing your fence and want to make sure your pups don’t dig in the future, place the fence deeper into the ground. Although this might not prevent your animal from digging, it will prevent them from escaping and if that is their main goal, they’ll quickly learn that digging is a futile task.
There are many electronic options, like invisible dog runners or electronic fence wires. Your goal isn’t to harm your dog but a little shock will remind them that such behavior is bad. Another method you could use to deter digging in this fashion (without the electronics) is to bury chicken wire near the base of the fence. Once your dog realizes that there’s nowhere to dig to here, he’ll find somewhere else to play.
Provide plenty of toys when your dog is unsupervised outside in the yard. Dogs mainly dig because of boredom so if there are a slew of tennis balls, chew toys, and maybe a friend or two, your pal will forget all about the base of the fence.
Your fence is there to protect you and your pet so be sure that it’s secure. Try out a couple of these tips and keep your backyard beautiful without digging holes all over the place. Keep your pup from getting a hold on that fence line and enjoy your fantastic fence (and perfect pet) for years to come.