When you think of keeping your business safe, what comes to mind? Locking up at night? Protecting your passwords? While both of those things are certainly necessary, neither are the number one thing you should do. First and foremost, your commercial property needs a fence.
It can stop a crime before it happens
The best way to keep your business from being vandalized or robbed is by stopping a potential criminal from even getting close to the building. Criminals like easy targets and a fence makes it difficult to successfully complete their plan. Once their crime is committed, they need to get back over the fence to escape! The thought of needing to climb a tall fence (twice!) quickly, without making too much noise, and without falling is going to send them away.
You won’t need to make insurance claims
If you don’t have a fence and your property is robbed or vandalized then what? You can make a police report, but even if they catch the perpetrator it doesn’t fix your broken window or clean the paint off your walls. You’ll next need to make a claim to your insurance for the damage. It will help you pay for fixing it now, but everyone knows what happens when you make claims to insurance. Your deductible will soon go up! Putting in a fence will keep the crime from happening in the first place, so it also stops you from needing to bring insurance into it.
A fence won’t need to be fixed or updated as often
While technology is great, we all know how often it goes down. Whether it’s a bug or malfunction, or simply needing an upgrade, anything with a lot of tech features begins to cause you a headache. A fence will sometimes need simple repairs, but most fences last several decades before needing to be replaced. You certainly can’t say that about an alarm system.
Central Fence has been providing fences for locally-owned businesses for over 50 years. We are a strong part of the Swainsboro, Vidalia, Statesboro, and Sandersville community, and we enjoy working with families and businesses in our area. We try to buy locally when possible, and we know you do, too. We believe that by buying locally, our community will grow ever stronger. Contact us today and find out how we can provide you with the best-made fences at the lowest costs.