Fencing a property is no mean feat. It takes a lot of time, effort, and planning ahead. It’s not something that can be done on a whim, or without a significant amount of prep work, either. Making a DIY project out of a fence can be a risky endeavor, but should you wish to chance it, it pays to be prepared. Here are the steps to creating a fenced enclosure for your house:
1. First, you need to check the terrain you’ll be building on. Not everything is well suited for a fence, and having an idea as to what you’ll be working with helps set the tone for the rest of the project, and prevents there from being any nasty surprises halfway in, such as whether you need to account for uneven ground. Choose which kind of fence you want to be making, and which material would best suit your purposes.
2. Next, you’ll want to check local building codes and with your homeowner’s association as to whether there are any restrictions placed on the height or materials used in constructing a fence. Six to eight feet is the common fence height range. Going over the property line with your neighbors is a good way to prevent future conflict and a potential lawsuit. A permit may also be necessary.
3. Getting the right materials is important. Make a thorough list of everything you’ll need, from planks to nails to paint and the tarp you’ll be using to keep there from being a mess. Tools are an important part of the process. A measuring tape is invaluable to the point of making a quality fence, and a good hammer or power tool can help save time and make sure everything gets nailed in correctly.
4. Mark a line into your yard where your fence line will be. Divide the length of your fence line into an even number of spaces, and place tick marks where you want the fence posts to be.
5. Dig holes that are a third as deep as your fence is tall. Place the posts in the holes, and add cement to make the fence sturdier. Don’t plant posts or dig near anything marked by a power company. Yellow flags are to be avoided.
6. Nail in the posts. Make sure you’re using the proper size nails, and be careful when drilling. Never drill at an uneven angle, as it’s unsafe and can result in the nail bursting out of the side of the plank, ruining it.
7. Stain and paint your fence. If you’re unsure as to which paint is best to use for your project, be sure to check these tips out.Use a tarp to rest your tools on and shield any shrubberies you might have from getting paint on them.
Alternatively, you can call a professional fence installation service and guarantee all the trouble and materials used won’t go to waste. Feel free to call us on our telephone number (1-800-221-6425) or visit us at one of our convenient locations in Swainsboro, Vidalia, Statesboro, or Sandersville. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can!