Very few yards have perfectly flat terrain. Many parts of the country have uneven and sloppy ground. When installing a fence on uneven or sloped ground, the fence posts have different elevations and cannot be connected with level pickets and rails. This is why you should know which fences work for different terrain. Here are some of the fences that will work on uneven and sloped terrains.
Uneven Terrain
Large outdoor spaces usually have uneven terrain. However, you can navigate the different angles by installing aluminum fencing panels.
The main part of an aluminum fence inserted in the ground is the post. With most aluminum fence installations, there are posts every so often and panels in between that don’t touch the ground completely. This is the reason this type of fence is suited for uneven terrain.
A Subtle Incline
For yards that have a subtle incline, you should install the fence like you would on even ground. In this type of terrain, a straight fence will work fine. However, if the incline is steep, you will leave significant gaps that children or pets can squeeze under.
A stepped fence is ideal for steep terrain. The fence goes down a hill in a series of steps. Each area is higher or lower than the one adjacent to it, so the fence looks like a staircase. If the stepped fence has the same gap problem as the straight fence, use raised planters to hide the gaps.
Dips and Rises
You should install a level-topped fence if your yard’s ground has dips and rises. This is similar to the fence you would install on flat ground, with a level top all the way across.
Building a level-topped fence involves a bit of landscaping. Begin by filling the low spots with soil and grass seed. Next, fill the large dips with gravel and rocks. Alternatively, you can plant bushes and plants at the base of the fence to conceal the uneven ground.
Mixed Terrain
Custom fencing works for yards with a blend of steep slopes, undulating terrain, and other challenging surfaces. Look for a fencing contractor to customize your fence for these challenging surfaces.
Custom fencing is designed according to your yard’s specific needs. These fences come in various styles for different materials, including wood, steel, aluminum, chain link, or vinyl.
When choosing a fence for your yard, it is crucial to consider the terrain. To avoid installing an unsightly-looking fence, consult with Central Fence to inspect your yard and have us help with the fence installation.