A person’s house is their castle. In these uncertain times of dwindling privacy, it’s important to keep a hold on what measures of privacy you can ensure. While Norton and the like deals in the business of firewalls, keeping your cyber-self safe, Central Fence deals in actual walls built to keep you and your family safe from home invaders and the like. Never underestimate the value a fence can bring a house. A house just isn’t a home if you don’t feel safe, after all. It’s not hard to imagine which house would be the target of a would-be crime spree in a neighborhood: the one barricaded with a fence or the completely defenseless one down the street. Don’t let that be you.
Fashion, Finance, and Family
Keeping a home safe isn’t all a fence does. Fences can be customized in any number of ways to fit the aesthetic appeal of its owners, from providing a space for hanging gardens to grow from, to being real estate that can be bolted down with artwork or a wall of dart targets… the sky’s the limit. Well, technically, the height of the fence is, combined with one’s creativity. And you’ll find there’s a lot that can be done with that.
In addition to being a fashion statement, a fence can actually accrue positive value when concerning real estate values. That’s right– having a fence can actually make you money. When selling a house, a real estate agent is going to take a look at all its accumulated assets and factor them into the final cost of a house. Having a fenced-in house can do wonders for expanding one’s list of potential buyers, as well. Pet owners, for one, will almost definitely be looking at houses that already have a way to keep Fido safe first. What’s more, having an attractive fence can often boost one’s standing in the eyes of their neighbors– one’s appearance is important, after all. The same rule applies to one’s property.
Most importantly, a fence is an incredible boon for anyone seeking to settle down with a family, or simply make one safer. In addition to keeping unsavory characters out, a fence can also do a great job at keeping the right people in. Like pets, toddlers don’t always understand that the roaring strip of tar just outside doesn’t make for a great playground. Keeping them from the fast end of the speedway is a great way to rack up on those responsible parent points.
On the fence as to whether or not you need a new fence? Feel free to call us on our telephone number (1-800-221-6425) or visit us at one of our convenient locations in Swainsboro, Vidalia, Statesboro, or Sandersville. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can!