One of the most important safety features for a pool is a high-quality fence. A fence will keep animals and children out of your pool, preventing a potentially dangerous situation. It will also provide your family the privacy that they need while enjoying your pool. While a fence is extremely important for pool owners, some types will work better than others.
First, you should select a fence that will be effective at keeping uninvited visitors out. Fences with large gaps between panels or aluminum ornamental fences without solid panels are easy for animals or children to wiggle through. A wood fence with solid panels or a vinyl fence will be best at protecting your pool from the outside world. Depending on what types of animals you’re trying to keep out, height may also be a factor. Deer can easily jump fences that are shorter than six feet, so a tall fence may be needed.
Another thing you should consider is how much privacy you need. Most families are looking for a fence that will give them privacy while they’re enjoying their pool. Some of the same factors will come into play here– a solid fence, or a fence with only small gaps in between panels, will be more effective than an ornamental fence, for example. You should also consider the height of your fence for privacy’s sake. While some decorative fences may only be four to five feet in height, these fences do not provide as much privacy as needed. You should select a fence with panels that are at least six feet in height.
Depending on your setup, you may want to consider incorporating a gate into your fence. A gate will make it easier for your family to pass the fence without having to go the long way around. Just make sure that your gate can be secured with a lock, in order to keep unwanted visitors out.
A final consideration is the material of your fence. Wood and vinyl are both good choices, but depending on your situation, one may be more suitable for you. Vinyl fences require less maintenance and are less likely to rot. If your fence is very close to your pool and will be splashed often, vinyl may hold up longer than wood. However, wood is often more affordable than vinyl, so if you’re fencing in a very large area, wood may be the more economical choice.
When you consider both functionality and budget, you’ll be able to pick the best fence for your family. A proper fence will ensure that your pool provides your family with safe and comfortable fun for years to come.