It can be hard to understand when exactly is the right time to start a new project. Renovating a house, in particular, can appear a daunting task for many. How can you be sure the weather won’t interfere? What if it rains? What if it snows? Life is full of uncertainty. What you can be sure of, however, is that fences are a good choice for every season. Picking the right time to plant your fence can be a science in and of itself, but fortunately, Central Fence is well-versed in the art of fixing fences– rain, sleet, or snow. If you want to undertake the uncertain task of handling an installation yourself, however, it pays to be prepared.
Forecast Your Fence
Nobody wants to be out in the rain, hammering away at fence planks, which always end up sinking in the mud. But keeping bundles and bundles of fencing supplies can be a real chore in and of itself. Many times, space itself is a concern. If you don’t have enough storage, fencing materials are often left exposed to the elements, which could be potentially harmful to your ease-of-installation. What’s more, essential parts to a fence could go missing in the time between good weather and your having enough time to work on the fence. Before ordering your fence materials, it’s a good idea to check the weather forecast in addition to your work and social calendar. If everything lines up, order your fence materials a few days ahead of time– you should be given an estimation for how long it will take for your materials to arrive, which is a good starting point to base your plans around.
Avoid the Elements
Rain, in particular, can be an enemy to a timely, well-constructed fence. Solid dirt or clay is ideal for the planting of fence planks. Mud is too slippery and doesn’t hold its shape well enough for a fence to properly take root. Make sure that, when you are about to undertake the task of setting up a fence, that the skies are clear and sunny. It can be tempting to just jump in the second you can, but, as with everything in life, planning ahead of time can make all the difference in the world in relation to quality. A fence is a lifetime investment– it can last many, many years if properly installed and treated for, and can serve your family for generations to come. You don’t want to risk tarnishing that legacy by poking holes in unstable ground. Planning makes perfect.