It’s summer time! Undoubtedly, you’ll spend a lot of time poolside, whether you have your own or seek out the best one amongst your friends’ homes. If you’ve had enough of just soaking in the sun or splashing around, there are plenty of ways to incorporate summer fun in the pool. Here are a few pool games for the kids and adults to have fun while relaxing in the pool.
Marco Polo
This classic has been passed down from generation to generation. Pick a person to be “Marco” and everyone else is “Polo.” “Marco” closes his or her eyes and shouts “Marco” while swimming around, searching blindly for the other players. All “Polos” shout back “Polo” while evading “Marco’s” reach. Any “Polo” caught either turns into another “Marco” or swims to the edge of the pool and waits for the end of the game. Once all “Polos” have been caught, the game is over and a new “Marco” can be chosen.
Atomic Whirlpool
Everyone lines up in the pool at the outer rims. You start by walking around the rim for a couple minutes. Then jog for a couple minutes, end by running for a couple minutes. The force of moving in the same direction for a period will make a whirlpool. After you are done making the whirlpool, turn the opposite way and try to push yourself against the current. This is a great low-impact workout and can be a fun way to outline how everyone working together results in a change. It’s also quite entertaining for on-lookers watching from the sidelines.
Get a clear 2-liter bottle, remove the label and fill with pool water. Divide everyone into two groups and line them up in the pool at opposite sides facing away from the water. Someone is chosen to toss the bottle in the water. When the contestants hear the splash, they can turn around and try to find the bottle. It may sound simple but finding something the same color as the pool can be difficult.
Choose a person to be “it”. This person stands in the middle of the pool and stays put. The other players will start on one side of the pool and try to swim past the “it” person to the other side without being tagged. If a player gets tagged they join hands with the “it” player and tries to tag other people. You continue going until all the players have been tagged and then choose another “it”.
Pool games escalate your summer fun and help you bond with everyone around the pool. One great thing about pool games is that you can make them up as you go along. Take your creativity to the next level and enjoy the summer.